Avon Fundraisers

What is an Avon Fundraiser?

Avon Fundraisers are an excellent way to raise funds for your youth group, team, church, charity, community causes, schools, etc. An Avon fundraiser is as easy as any other fundraiser, but more beneficial in so many ways. Avon fundraiser items are chosen from some of Avon's most popular items. Participants can enjoy Avon items much longer than that of a candy bar. Our fundraiser flyers are colorful and easy to use. Share them with your friends and family instead of using the brochure. 

Avon Fundraising Flyers (Sample)

This just the front of a fundraising sample for samples and lip gloss. 

How to start an Avon fundraiser?

The first step to starting an Avon Fundraiser is to: 1) determine how much money your organization needs to raise 2) how many members of your organization will be participating 3) who will be in charge of supervising and monitoring collection of funds.

Once those needs are determined, contact me, your Avon Fundraising Specialist. I will help you plan a successful fundraiser for your organization. You will receive fundraising flyers with order forms on the back. Avon does not suggest going door-to-door to people you do not know. Start first with friends, family, and co-workers. You can give a flyer to as many trustworthy people you know and ask them to help with orders. Set a goal to have each participant fill at least one order form. 

Who can have an Avon Fundraiser?

Any organization that needs to raise funds can start an Avon Fundraiser. Some organizations are tax-exempt others are not. School and church organizations are very common, as well as charity and community fundraisers, such a pageants, and personal needs such as individuals who need help with large medical bills. There is no limit as to who can have a fundraiser. Just ask and I will be with you every step of the way.

How much can an organization earn? 

The suggested time frame of a fundraiser is 2 weeks. Some organizations need a little more time. You will collect money up front for all orders from all participants. Turn in the money and order forms to the Avon Rep.  I will submit the orders and send Avon their portion, which is 50 %. The other 50% is my profit of which I share 70% with your organization. You will have your profit in a matter of days!!

Sample order form printed on the back of each flyer

Contact me today with help starting an Avon Fundraiser for your organization 

Shop my online store today! www.youravon.com/sshannon

Can't find an Avon Rep in your area, join my team today at www.startavon.com Use Reference Code: sshannon 

or visit www.youravon.com/sshannon                                                                             click the join button 


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